Thursday, May 19, 2011


I have not been doing much since my last post and I am stumped about what to write about.
I just got back from the store and was trying to put my change in this piggy bank I always keep my coins in.
It was so full that I could not put anymore in. So I figured I should pass the time by counting how much I had in there.
I popped the bottom of the pig open and the coins were so full that they stayed in there. I had to really force them to get out. First thing I did was separate the coins, quarters, dimes, nickles, pennies and whatever else was in there.
I think I spent almost a good hour sorting and counting them, in the end I had $50.62
120 quarters, 120 dimes, 104 nickles, 342 pennies. There was also 988yen worth of coins. haha

So tell me what you think about this? Where you you keep your change?
I know this is not that interesting compared to my last post. So let me know if this is something you don't want to see anymore.


  1. aren't you supposed to take them to the bank and get paper money?

  2. I have jars where I save all my different coins. Completely forgot about it but still kept putting coins in just out of habit. Ended up having around $3,000 in coins alone over the period of about a years, so that was nice!

  3. I wish I had a peggy like u, 50 bucks sounds great

  4. You remind me a joke

    "A man is sitting in a bar when a beautiful woman walks up and whispers in his ear, "I'll do anything you want for 50 bucks."

    He puts his drink down and starts going through his pockets. He pulls out a ten, two five's, a twenty and ten ones.

    He thrusts the wadded up money into the woman's hand and says, "Here...paint my house."

  5. i have too coins from spains "pesetas"

  6. so what are you planning on doing with them?

  7. nice job keep saving i have all my change sitting in a cup on my dresser. the first cup is full to the top so i recently started filling a second one. i really need to take the time to count it.

  8. nice job, keeping it and counting!
    I've something like that, but it will take time to count it.

  9. I'm also a change hoarder, i just love the weight to it. cool post.

  10. keep saving for the day someone annoys you demanding money then pay them in these coins

  11. I always try to change coins for notes as soon as I have enough coins

  12. I should have a pile laying around somewhere, don't have the time to count them though :)

  13. Its cool to see that people still do that, my dad saved up penny's when i was young. couldn't lift the can he put them in!

  14. Ahahah, I have many coins laying around here.

  15. I keep my change in an old jar with a sign that says 'Booger's College Fund Jar - not for Dad's beer money'. I am not kidding.

  16. Hey, I have kind of a similar collection, I use it for paying the pizza guy though

  17. That is insane! I don't keep spare change, I spend it all!!

    You can visit my blog here.

  18. Damn thats alot of coins :P, I usually stash my stuff in my WOW WOTLK collector's edition box... who would look in a video game box when you don't need the discs to play the game :P

  19. I chuck mine in a bucket that I empty once a month

  20. Well, i keep mine on my table and i try tu use it as much i as can but most of the time it end up in the garbage :s

  21. i keep my change in a plaid bag that my grandma made me when i was a kid, it keeps about 4-5 pounds of change before it gets full :)

  22. I have an enormous jar that I use. It's probably amassed like $200. Shit, that reminds me. I should probably go coinstar that.

  23. you should turn those coins into cash lol

  24. Looks kinda like my wallet. I usually have my wallet my wallet filled up with coins (of little worth, like 1,2 and 5 cents) every two weeks and do the "Pay with coins" day. Usually buy something meaningless, like a can of energy drink and give like a big handfull of coins. Then I can finally drive without my butt being sore from coins

  25. go down the local coin star

  26. that must be heavy to carry around

  27. You should put those coins IN THE CLOUDS

  28. I have about £40 worth of coppers. I keep them in a champagne case.

  29. haha always keep my change, such a good feeling when you underestimate the amount you saved when you cash it in at the bank.

  30. Pennies... So useless. Hate when I get pennies back as change.

  31. I always just keep about a dollar in change on me, and spend it as I buy things. If the total is $6.63, 63 cents of that dollar will be used.

  32. I hate to have so much change, It never seems worth keeping it :P
    Great post, followed!

  33. Thanks for sharing! I need to start saving my change.

  34. I'd keep putting coins in a bigger piggy bank, so in a few years the amount of money would surprise you even more!

  35. I have a jar in the closet. I hardly ever have change anymore now because of debit cards.

  36. I collect it all these two decent size cup holders in my car. I use some of it when I need to and eventually give it away for something good. Last time was to niece for prize money Easter egg... she likes money in her piggy bank. Time before that was to friend's wedding costs coin bucket.

  37. I've got about 50€ in small change under my bed

  38. I love hoarding change. Like they always say, "Change is as good as a holiday" haha
    I'm a fan of the random thought posts, keep them coming, why not? :)

  39. I keep my change in my wallet and try to get rid of it as fast as I can.

  40. i also collect coins.. but only euros, saved few bucks already!

    good blog

  41. is 988yen coins a lot of money?

  42. The easiest way for me to count yen is to add a "." before the last two numbers.
    So that would be $9.88, but with the exchange rate it is going to be less.

  43. Much respect, I have a collection of 19th and 20th century coins and it's a true passion, so keep up blogging ! :)

  44. yay the feeling of shaking that jar of money (mines a skull with evil eyes) and the feeling of wealth

  45. I love how the aussie exchange rate is higher then the US atm, makes importing cheaper lol

  46. In an old water cooler bottle.

  47. I keep my change in an old protein powder jar.

  48. heard about bitcoins? following!

  49. $50 in coins is no joke! Maybe I need to pay more attention to my coins. Like your blog, following.

  50. So, I see you have some yen. Have you been to Japan before?

    The coins remind me that my Grandfather used to collect world currencies. I think he had a huge stash of coins somewhere. Unfortunately, I don't know if they have any value anymore.
