Monday, May 16, 2011

Party planning

So my girlfriend is feeling much better and she wants to start planning out a birthday party for the both of us.
My birthday is on May 30 while her's is on June 5. Thinking of having it in between those two, maybe on the 3rd of June. (Friday)
The both of us love the first generation pokemon series, wondering if a pokemon themed party would be fun.What we really want is to just spend time with each other and our group of friends.
I would appreciate hearing your opinions and ideas for a good gift.


  1. Leave it to the Gift Master bro!

    Get her an Old Vintage 1940's planner. They are so fucking sleek, and women in NYC carry them everywhere. They are about 55.00. Or if she like perfume? I can give you some tips on that. Don't do gift cards.

  2. gift cards may seem dull but i love getting them

  3. Why not a deck of some pokemon cards or something? Or a collection of games.

    I like Shadow Punk's idea. I'd go with Moleskine though...

  4. :D how old is she? hmm probably a blouse or a shirt.. or gift cards , lol, but theyre great :D

    june 3 should be good

    followed :D

  5. hmm how bout trying to beat a pokemon game in one day?

  6. ShadowPunk that planner sounds interesting. Mind giving me more information about it?

    CPH we don't really play the card game. I still have my red and blue version. We both have the new white version but we really enjoy the first gen.

    Volpes she is turning 20 and i'll be 21. So I know our friends will be trying to get me drunk. XD

    Jesse Crows hows that going to help? Plus it takes a lot of time for me to beat it. haha

  7. This is going to sound crazy at first, but it might work.
    1: Buy the screwdriver that allows you to open up game boy games.
    2: Open up your old Pokémon Red/Blue and take the board out. be sure not to lose it!
    3: There should be enough space to put some sort of jewelry in there.
    4: when giving her this, make sure to somehow indicate that the cartridge opens up. One way is to leave the case slightly ajar. (you'll know what I mean when you first open the game.)
    Keep us updated with what you end up doing! :D

  8. Buy a pokemon plushie or pillow... chicks dig the pikachu, so anything with pikachu in it will get you in there good books :P

  9. Fantastic posts. Loved your blog! Keep up the good work :)

  10. If i'd plan a Pokemon party, i'd scary most of my friends away:(.
    Take her to a Pokemon LARP event!

  11. get her a pair of shorts - they're comfy and easy to wear!

  12. I think we might be a bit different, but if I were you I'd spend the day with just the two of you, save the friends for a shorter period of the day and the longer with your girlfriend.

  13. Nice blog, nice pictures, it seems like you really love your GF :)


  14. I hope she doesn't read your blog because if she does the surprise will be ruined.

  15. yeah buy her a pikachu plushie if she likes pokemons, she will love it

  16. Pokemon are awesome, so if you want an awesome birthday party, go for it ;)


    Watch this, it might give you an idea.

  18. i'am not the one who should give you advice. My parties are chaotic ...

  19. A pokemon birthday?! Wow sounds so fun!!

  20. Tortank GO! :D Enjoy the pokebirthday

  21. I remember my old brick gameboy when i had pokemon red. good times.

  22. you should ask her if she likes that everyone know that she and you love pokemon

  23. answer is in the pic, really. PLAY POKEMON TOGETHER!


    Pokemon makes the world go round. It's a known fact.


    This is one I found, it has writing in it, but eBay is the best for these kind of things. They are super awesome. There is a place here in Brooklyn, they have TONS of old vintage planners that you can buy, with old pages. They were produced recent, but look old, or you can buy an old book with no writing in it.

  26. Present a ring to her... inside a pokeball haha

  27. Thats cute X3 My boyfriend got me a pikachu and its adorable! I love my pika plush! Have a good birthday!

  28. Great post! Keep up the good work.

  29. Never heard of a Pokemon couple :D
    Wish it was so for me too, my girlfriend hates them :(

  30. wow poke party, so cute : D
    also i love2 first generation

  31. Sounds great, hope you have a good time

  32. so what did you end up getting her for a gift?

  33. Thanks for the support and advice everyone.
    I did get a few ideas of what to get, but I think i'll keep it a secret till the day its time to give it to her.
    I will post an update on this when the day comes. :)

  34. Good to hear she is feeling better, maybe you should give her a nice music album os a game.

  35. get her a real live pikachu. you just have to wander through some tall grass its mad cheap

  36. Happy birthday, and a pokemon themed party sounds awesome!
