Last year on this day, May 23, I was shot in the eye point blank with an airsoft gun.
It was a Sunday afternoon while me and my friends were having a friendly game at our local field. A few games passed and everyone was starting to get tired. The breaks we had in between each game was getting longer and longer as time passed.
During what seemed to be the last break of the day before we head out to play the final match, my friend walks over to me while I was getting my gear ready. Being in the safe zone, I had taken off most of my protective gear to cool off from the hot day. Everyone in that zone did the same, all guns should have its safety on so there was nothing to worry about.
So going back to my friend, he walks over to me and thought it would be funny to shoot his gun and have a small blast of air go to my face. He removed the magazine from his gun so he thought nothing would shoot out, people forget that there can still be a BB even after removing the mag. He calls my name, as I turn my head to look up at him BAM! The BB hit my right eye. I became instantly blind, it hit right in between the iris and sclera. My eyelids didn't even get hit, I had my eye wide open.
Wanna know something ironic? A week before I just bought myself ballistic goggles, the same ones the military uses. I bought them to prevent something like this from happening while playing. My first reaction was to put my hand towards my eye and keep my eye closed. Then started to yell out "What the F***", "Why would you do this" and all that stuff.
My yelling soon attracted other players and crowded to see what has happened. The field owner soon came over and asked what happened. He told he to show him my eye was I was afraid to find out how bad it was.
Thankfully the BB just bounced off instead of going inside. (The gun I was shot with was shooting at around 300 fps) By then people had already called for an ambulance, but I was already thinking ahead. I told my friend to take me to the hospital instead. I had no insurance at the time and I didn't want the the ambulance ride to build up the medical bill I knew was coming.
So skipping the rest of what happened that day. My parents thought it be best for me to seek medical attention at a better place. So around June, I went to Japan to stay with my relatives there and get better medical care for my injury. I stayed there for 3 whole months before returning home.
On a small side note: next week is my birthday, so guess what I was doing on my birthday last year. haha
I stayed in bed with an eye patch.
This picture is kinda gross. <-Click to see the picture.
In the link is some post-operation pictures of my eye. I took these pictures with my DSi, I took a picture daily so I can see for myself how much better it was getting. (Problem with these pictures is that I used my camera to take a picture of the DSi screen since I didn't have a memory card in my DSi to transfer them properly.)
I still enjoy playing airsoft today but I am more careful about safety now. My friend who shot me is still my best friend. I don't regret anything because I was able to go to Japan again and see my family there as well as have a mini vacation. It's also the time I started talking to a girl, who when I got back, became a good friend then became the girl that I love. She means everything to me now, and I don't know if we would have ended up together if this didn't happen.
So what I say to you, is to always look at the bright side of life.
i also love the airsoft!
ReplyDeleteYouch, sounds painful.
ReplyDeletewow ouch
ReplyDeleteI hope you get much better!!
ReplyDeleteI love to read this kind of story! post more, i will watch. Enjoy.
ReplyDeletevery lucky man, that could have made you blind, but at least you got to go to japan, I would love to go to japan... jealous ^_^
ReplyDeleteTake cary buddy! I know how irritating eye-problems can be.
ReplyDeletecrazy! I'm really paranoid about my eyes, losing vision would be the worst
ReplyDeleteaw..., i've got chill down on my spine when imagine that
ReplyDeleteyour vision is blurry, is it like eye minus/plus ?
so glad you can still see!
ReplyDeleteOh man, my eyes started watering from looking at that pic.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to say, happy birthday for next week man ^_^
ReplyDeleteyou see the bright side indeed, even if it's blurry, lol ;)
ReplyDeleteYou can visit my blog here.
strange red eye
ReplyDeletei too have been shot in the eye, didnt need surgery but it hurt and vision was blurry for a few weeks
ReplyDeleteThanks for the support everyone. Also no hating on the friend who shot me, it was an idiotic accident but he did helped me a lot with the medical bill and he is still my good friend.
ReplyDeleteAs for my current vision. My left eye is still perfect 20/20, my right eye could forever be blurry but its still better than nothing.
haryudanto: My eye doctor tried to give my glasses, but it only helps a little. Didn't get them cause my left eye still works perfectly.
Burn Paradox: Thanks for the early Birthday greeting.
Buzbee: For some reason getting shot in the eye didn't hurt that much. The operation was a different story. I had to be conscious during the procedure.
dude, that must've sucked. glad you're getting better bro.
ReplyDeleteoh, and happy birthday for next week :P
Glad you are able to see, I recently had operation on my eye actually i broke several bones in my face and one of my orbital bones was sticking into my eye, I traveled hours to boston to get medical attention there and stay with family i feel your pain, thankfully my sight is fine
ReplyDeleteThat totally blows man, I had shot my friend in the eye a few years ago too. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I've ever seen a semi-grown man cry. +followed for more.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for you, and I hope you'll get better. And I would be scared if I was conscious during a surgery...
ReplyDeleteDude... that's too bad. I understand some of the injuries of such things.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in my swordsmith's smithy, I was NOT wearing safety glasses, and a piece of slag hit me in the eye!
Talk about a not fun time.... very very hot metal flying into your face.
Safety first man, safety first.
I'm glad it had a happy ending.
ReplyDeleteIt's good that it has turned out positively for you but still, ouch!
ReplyDeleteOuch. Well at least you always look up int life, it's great you're still friends with that guy :)
ReplyDeleteCant belive how lucky you where, I had some experience with ASGs and I would NEVER assume the gun is clear of bbs... goddamnit what was that guy thinking?!
ReplyDeleteWow, lucky you can still see, glad everything was mostly ok in the end.
ReplyDeleteDooh, that must be hurt. But hey, the ending is happy, I envy you :P
ReplyDeleteI don't normally read posts this long bro, but I did for this one and it's a great story.
ReplyDeleteOptimism like this keeps the world going.
dude thats shocking...accidents happen i guess...pretty dumb of your friend...but hey im glad you are still buddys....i wouldn't be...well ok i would have said "an eye for an eye" haha
ReplyDeleteoh man, that's a heavy story. I'll definately be wearing safety glasses more
ReplyDeleteouch man! Glad to hear its all working out for you!
ReplyDeletewhat a story... you are a survivor haha, i'm glad it ended well
ReplyDeleteYou dealt with getting shot in the eye a lot better than I would have. :P
ReplyDeleteOn the plus side, though; everything does seem to happen for a reason - as you said, you might not have met that girl otherwise. Some good from some bad. Your karma must be in good balance. ;)
Wow, you're lucky. I knew a kid that got shot in the eye with an airsoft gun and it got lodged in there, it messed with his eyesight for life.
ReplyDeleteit hurted only seeing the picture lol be careful!
ReplyDeleteoh that looks nasty !
ReplyDeleteWell, nice ending for your story, not always the case.
ReplyDeletewow looks like that hurt!. Im glad everything seemed to turn out alright for you in the end
ReplyDeletethat would suck so much
ReplyDeleteI've never played with airsoft, I sure want to do that. Going to get some protective gear first though
ReplyDeleteSucks, but at least if you ever get the desire to you could probably pull off a monocle
ReplyDeletewow, that's amazing. You're very lucky!
ReplyDeleteWow, that really sucks. Do you still see/talk to your friend? I bet he feels really bad :/
ReplyDeleteGood thing you didn't loose anything, are you guys still friends? Sounds a bit harsh in your situation.
ReplyDeletesux about ur eye =\
ReplyDeletelol at the above comment
ReplyDeleteDude, I remember when that happened to me the first time ._.
But it's cool you remembered the date it happened XDDD
wow i was about to gag when i saw the picture hope your eye is as good as new